Präpositionen (prepositions)

Präpositionen zur Angabe der Zeit

afternach – nach einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt:
after 5 p.m., after Sunday
agovor – zur Angabe eines Zeitraumes vor einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt – immer nachgestellt:
three years ago, two hours ago
atum, an etc. – zur Angabe eines präzisen Zeitpunkts (z. B. Uhrzeiten):
at 3 o'clock, at Easter, at noon
beforevor – vor einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt:
before Tuesday, before last year
betweenzwischen zwei Zeitpunkten:
between 1999 and 2001, between Monday and Friday, between 2 and 3 p.m.
duringwährend eines Zeitraumes: during my stay in England
forseit, … lang – zur Angabe eines Zeitraums:
for three hours (= seit 3 Std. oder 3 Std. lang),
for 2 years
inin, am etc. – zur Angabe eines längeren Zeitraumes (im Gegensatz zu on):
in the afternoon, in the year 2525, in May, in the summer
onam, an etc. – zur Angabe eines kürzeren Zeitraumes, wie Wochentag, bestimmtes Datum:
on Monday, on December 14th
sinceseit – von einem Zeitpunkt in der Vergangenheit an:
since 1999, since 7 p.m.

Präpositionen zur Angabe des Ortes

aboveüber – größere Distanz zum Gegenstand/Ort:
a balloon above the town, a plane above the mountains
He is leaning against the fence.
amongunter/zwischen mehreren Gegenständen, Personen etc.: among many other people
atan, bei etc. – zur Angabe einer präzisen Ortsangabe:
at the cinema, at the grocer's, at Nelson's Column
beforevor – oft vor einer Person, Sache:
He suddenly stood before me.
They were playing behind the house.
betweenzwischen zwei Gegenständen, Personen etc.:
between two stations, between Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey
ininnerhalb eines Behältnisses, Gebäudes etc.:
in the flat, in the house, in the bucket
in front ofvor – oft im räumlichen Sinne:
He was waiting in front of the church.
insideinnen, innerhalb:
They stayed inside the house due to heavy rain.
onauf, an einer Fläche:
on the desk, on the wall
She was sitting opposite her teacher.
outsidedraußen, außerhalb:
They were all sitting outside the house.
overüber – kürzere Distanz zu einem Gegenstand/Ort:
a bridge over the river, over the table
underunter einem Gegenstand:
under the chair, under the bridge

Präpositionen zur Angabe der Richtung

acrossquer durch, quer über (auf die andere Seite):
We were walking across a large field.
afterhinterher (hinter einer Person etc. herlaufen):
The police were running after the thief.
againstgegen (Gegenstände, Umstände):
The snow fell against the windscreen.
alongentlang (sich an etwas vorbeibewegen, entlangfahren):
The police were walking along the street.
downherunter, hinunter:
The boys rowed down the river.
They came down from the top of the skyscraper.
intoin … hinein (Bewegung in einen Raum hinein):
They all went into the youth hostel.
ontoauf … hinauf (Bewegung auf etwas hinauf):
The cat jumped onto the chair.
out ofaus … heraus (aus Gebäude, Ort etc. heraus):
The burglars came out of their hiding place.
pastan … vorbei (sich an einem Gebäude, an Leuten vorbeibewegen):
They were all running past our house.
throughdurch, hindurch (durch eine Öffnung, Gebäude, Park etc.):
Many people walk through the Brandenburg Gate.
tozu, nach (sich auf Gebäude, Ort/Land zubewegen):
He went to the station.
He emigrated to America.
towardsauf … zu (in Richtung auf etwas):
They were sailing towards the coast.
He ran up the stairs.

Stellung der Präpositionen

In der Regel stehen die Präpositionen vor dem entsprechenden Nomen, vor einem Pronomen oder einer ing-Form.

Betty and Tom went to Greece last summer.
Someone walked right in front of me.
Check other offers before buying the tickets.

In einigen Fällen werden Präpositionen allerdings nicht voran-, sondern nachgestellt – meist dann, wenn sie eng mit einem Verb verbunden sind. Dies trifft insbesondere zu bei:

  • Fragesätzen: Where have you come from? / What book are you interested in?
  • Relativsätzen: The man who I talked to yesterday happened to be your teacher. /The accident which I read about occurred in Gloucester Road.
  • Sätzen im Passiv: The children in our school are well cared for. / Our neighbours have never been heard of since they left our town.
  • Infinitivkonstruktionen: It was a show to laugh about. / There were thousands of cars to look at.

Präpositionen in idiomatischen Ausdrücken

Es gibt Präpositionen, die zusammen mit Adjektiven und Nomen idiomatische Wendungen bilden. Sie sind unerlässlich in der gesprochenen Sprache, aber auch in jedem idiomatisch verfassten Text.

Idiomatische WendungDeutsche EntsprechungBeispiel
by chancedurch ZufallWe met our friends by chance.
by means ofmithilfe vonThe temperature can be measured by means of a thermometer.
to go for a walkspazieren gehenThey went for a walk.
for certainsicherHe could not promise for certain if he would come with us.
in my opinion/
to my mind
nach meiner MeinungTo my mind he is a good teacher.
to be in favour ofdafür seinAre you in favour of visiting London?
in particularbesondersIn particular I enjoyed the exciting story in the book.
in this wayauf diese WeiseYou'll never succeed in this way.
on dutyim DienstHe will be on duty from 8 to 6.
on footzu FußHe had to go on foot because his bike broke down.
on purposeabsichtlichShe told him a lie on purpose because she hated him.
with great difficultyunter schwierigen UmständenThe driver was rescued from his damaged car with great difficulty.
with regard tohinsichtlichHe made enquiries with regard to the problem
to put up withertragen, sich abfinden mitThey put up with the awful conditions in the hotel.

Stand: 2010
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