Steigerung und Vergleich von Adjektiven und Adverbien

Steigerung von Adjektiven

1. Steigerung mit den Silben –er und –est (bei kurzen Adjektiven) oder mit more und most (bei langen Adjektiven)?

Ordne die Adjektive aus dem Kasten in die entsprechende Spalte der Tabelle ein und steigere sie.

fast, pretty, long, beautiful, fantastic, quiet, short, terrible, wonderful, lonely, delicious, cold, hot, wet, rainy, special, slow, dangerous, steep, rocky, loud, frightening, colourful, bright, healthy, interesting, boring, funny, difficult, easy, juicy, late

warm, warmer, the warmestexciting, more exciting,
most exciting

2. Vergleiche mit “..... than .....”

Beantworte die Fragen mit einem “..... than .....”- Satz.
Which animal is faster, the crocodile, the snake or the elephant?
The snake is faster than the crocodile, but the elephant is the fastest.

Which animal is taller, the rhino, the horse  or the giraffe?
Which animal is slower, the hedgehog, the mole or the rabbit?
Which animal is nicer, the worm, the squirrel or the butterfly?
Which animal is louder, the lion, the woodpecker or the bat?
Which animal is smaller, the horse, the duck or the sheep?
Which animal is cleverer, the dolphin, the chicken or the monkey?
Which animal is more dangerous, the tiger, the rabbit or the bee?
Which animal has got brighter colours, the bear, the bee or the parrot?
Which animal is more interesting to watch, the fly, the squirrel or the monkey?
Which animal is more difficult to find, the polar bear, the fox or the cat?

3. Vergleiche mit “as … as” und ”not as ... as“

Beantworte die Fragen mit einem “as … as” und ”not as ... as“- Satz. Du kannst die Tierbezeichnungen aus der obigen Übung noch einmal benutzen.
(Beispiel: A woodpecker is as noisy as the chicken, but not as noisy as the lion.)

Is the horse fast?
Is the hedgehog small?
Is the butterfly nice?
Is the sheep soft?
Is the woodpecker loud?
Is the monkey clever?
Is the bee dangerous?
Is the monkey interesting to watch?
Is the fox difficult to find?

4. Gemischte Übung

Imagine there are five dogs:
Sam (Yorkshire terrier)
James (foxterrier)
Boss (German shepherd)
Pluto (poodle)
Jack (golden retriever)

Write a text (7 lines) about the five dogs; you can write more if you want to. Here are some ideas for your text:
Which dog do you like best? Why?
How is it different from the others?
Compare their legs, ears, heads, hair and body. Which dog is the fastest, which is the  funniest, which never makes problems?

5. Adjektive mit unregelmäßigen Steigerungsformen

Setze die passenden Steigerungsformen ein:

good - bad - a little

Sido almost always is the winner. He is the ______________ runner of our team. The _____________ runners of the other teams usually are the last ones to cross the finishing line.
Sido is always _________________ than they are.

There can be nothing ____________ for him than losing in a competition.
Susan is a sad girl. She thinks she has ______________ fun than other girls, but that’s not true.

Steigerung von Adverbien

1. Steigerung mit den Silben –er und –est (bei einsilbigen Adverbien und early) oder mit more und most (bei zwei- und mehrsilbigen Adverbien)?

Ordne die Adverbien aus dem Kasten in die entsprechende Spalte der Tabelle ein und steigere sie.

fast, beautifully, fantastically, quietly, terribly, wonderfully, dangerously, loudly, frighteningly, colourfully, brightly, slowly,healthily, funnily, difficultly, easily, angrily, rudely, soon, carefully, high, tidily, strictly, cleverly, powerfully, excitingly

early, earlier, the earliestnervously, more nervously, most nervously

2. Gemischte Übung

Vervollständige diese Sätze mit den passenden Steigerungsformen (more, most oder –er, -est) der Adverbien in Klammern.

At the restaurant:
The group arrived_____________ (soon) than we expected. So we had to get dinner ready for them _____________ (fast) than usually. But everything had been__________________ (cleverly) prepared and___________________  (beautifully) decorated.
During dinner they told us that the busdriver had driven the bus________________________ (dangerously). One woman talked_______________________ (excitedly). She had expected the busdriver to drive _______________ (carefully). On their way here there had also been a traffic jam, so luckily the busdriver had to go__________________________ (slowly). Somebody suggested that busdrivers should be controlled________________ (strictly).
When dinner was over, the group thanked us ________________(generously). All the guests left the restaurant _______________(happily) than they had entered it.

Stand: 2010
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